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The Pentatonic Scales Workbook

Published Date: March 28, 2020

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110 pages


The Pentatonic Scales Workbook: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners


This workbook organizes the study of the pentatonic scales and has exercises to practice the most used melodic patterns in the jazz idiom.


The system starts with the major pentatonic scale in 12 keys, changes the tonal center to get the 12 minor pentatonic scales and adds one blue note to build the blues scales.


The book follows the model of the rest of the workbooks of the series: building melodic lines starting with melodic patterns, combine them with syncopated rhythmic patterns and articulations and add the most important element: swing.


The workbook includes models and templates to write, correct yourself, and improve memorization.


The exercises you´ll find in this book are used in jazz standards and can be played over play alongs.


The contents are related to the rest of the Jazz Language Workbooks.


What you will find in this book:


100 pages.

46 exercises.

45 models and templates.


Pentatonic scales with skips/ forward motion / articulations / chromatics / embellishments / pivoting / clichés.


All major and minor (blues) pentatonic scales in all keys over the blues, rhythm changes, 16 bar and AABA forms.


Download now The Pentatonic Scales Workbook and improvise your own pentatonic melodic lines with the authentic jazz sound.





Pentatonic scales: theory -model-

Pentatonic scales: theory -template-

Major scales -model-

Major scales -template-

Major (blues) pentatonic scales in all keys -model-

Major (blues) pentatonic scales in all keys -template-

Major pentatonic scale: melodic patterns in C -model-

Major pentatonic scale: melodic patterns in C -template-

Aeolian scales -model-

Aeolian scales -template-

Minor (blues) pentatonic scales in all keys -model-

Minor (blues) pentatonic scales in all keys -template-

Minor pentatonic scale: melodic patterns in C -model-

Minor pentatonic scale: melodic patterns in C -template-

Major and minor (blues) pentatonic scales -model-

Major and minor (blues) pentatonic scales -template-

Basic syncopated rhythmic patterns -model-

Basic syncopated rhythmic patterns -template-

Pentatonic scales study with combinations of syncopated rhythmic patterns I

Pentatonic scales study with combinations of syncopated rhythmic patterns II

Pentatonic scales study with combinations of syncopated rhythmic patterns III

Pentatonic scales study with combinations of syncopated rhythmic patterns IV

Jazz language: articulation

Jazz language: embellishments

Jazz language: clichés

Jazz language: phrasing

Pentatonic scales: how to study

Pentatonic scales study with melodic pattern

Pentatonic scales study with syncopated rhythmic patterns

Pentatonic scales study with skips

Pentatonic scales study with forward motion

Pentatonic scales study with articulations

Pentatonic scales study with chromatics

Pentatonic scales study with embellishments

Pentatonic scales study with pivoting

Pentatonic scales study with other scales

Pentatonic scales study with jazz clichés

Pentatonic scales study in relation to rhythm

Pentatonic scales study with swing

Transformation of the pentatonic melodic line

Pentatonic scales: scale options over the major II-V-I progression -model-

Pentatonic scales: scale options over the major II-V-I progression -template-

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales -model-

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales -template-

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales with syncopated rhythmic patterns and articulations

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales combinations

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales combinations with syncopated rhythmic patterns and articulations

Pentatonic scales: scale options over the minor II-V-I progression -model-

Pentatonic scales: scale options over the minor II-V-I progression -template-

Minor II-V-I: pentatonic scales -model-

Minor II-V-I: pentatonic scales -template-

Minor II-V-I: pentatonic scales with syncopated rhythmic patterns and articulations

Minor II-V-I: pentatonic scales combinations

Minor II-V-I: pentatonic scales combinations with syncopated rhythmic patterns and articulations

Pentatonic scales over the dominant blues form in C

Pentatonic scales over the dominant blues form in C -template-

Pentatonic scales over the dominant blues form in F

Pentatonic scales over the dominant blues form in F -template-

Pentatonic scales over the dominant blues form in Bb

Pentatonic scales over the dominant blues form in Bb -template-

Pentatonic scales over the major blues form in F

Pentatonic scales over the major blues form in F -template-

Pentatonic scales over the minor blues form in C

Pentatonic scales over the minor blues form in C -template-

Pentatonic scales over the rhythm changes form. A section -model-

Pentatonic scales over the rhythm changes form. A section -template-

Pentatonic scales over the rhythm changes form. B section -model-

Pentatonic scales over the rhythm changes form. B section -template-

Pentatonic scales over the A form

Pentatonic scales over the A form -template-

Pentatonic scales over the 16 bar form

Pentatonic scales over the 16 bar form -template-

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales. Superimposition I

Major II-V-I: pentatonic scales. Superimposition II

Pentatonic scales: options in major

Pentatonic scales: options in dominant

Pentatonic scales: options in minor

Pentatonic scales: options in half diminished

Pentatonic scales: other scales

Scales study organization C

Scales study organization Bb

Scales study organization Eb

Pentatonic scales: melodic patterns in all keys -template-

Notes I

Notes II





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