How to Learn and Organize your Repertoire
If you want to start playing the basic must-know jazz standards in an organized way, you´ll find in this book a step-by-step roadmap to play the most common standards of the jazz repertoire.
What you will find in this book:
180 pages.
100 must-know jazz standards in order of keys, forms, styles, colors, modulations, chord families, rhythms, time signatures, level of difficulty, contrafacts, and play-a-longs.
Jazz styles. Jazz forms. Selected recordings.
The jazz standard study, melody, harmony, rhythm, analysis, interpretation, and improvisation.
The daily study session.
Models and templates.
The contents of the book are related to the rest of the Jazz Language Workbooks series.
Learn how to analyze and play the jazz standard.
Download the Jazz Standards Study Workbook and start organizing your jazz standards study session.
Introduction to the Study of Jazz Standards |
Jazz Standards in Alphabetical Order |
Jazz Standards in Order of Year of Composition |
The Jazz Standard Lead Sheet |
Musical Symbols in The Jazz Standard Lead Sheet |
Analysis of the Key of the Jazz Standard |
The Key Signature of the Jazz Standard Lead Sheet |
Chord Symbols |
Elements of Analysis in the Jazz Standard: All Of Me |
Jazz Styles |
Quote – Ahmad Jamal |
Jazz Language: Styles |
Jazz Standards in Order of Styles |
Quote – Horace Silver |
Jazz Standards in Order of Recordings |
Jazz Records: Listening Guide |
Jazz Standards in Order of Lyricists |
Jazz Forms |
Quote – Form |
Jazz Language: Forms |
Jazz Forms: AABA and variations |
Jazz Forms: The Blues |
Jazz Forms: Dominant Blues. Harmonic Paradigm |
Jazz Forms: Major Blues. Harmonic Paradigm |
Jazz Forms: Minor Blues. Harmonic Paradigm |
Jazz Forms: 16 Bars |
Jazz Forms: 16 Bars. Harmonic Paradigm |
Jazz Forms: Rhythm Changes |
Jazz Forms: Rhythm Changes. Harmonic Paradigm |
Jazz Forms: 24 Bars |
Jazz Forms: Modal and Tonal-Modal |
Jazz Forms: Added Sections |
Jazz Forms: Added Sections to the Jazz Standard |
Jazz Standards in Order of Forms |
The Jazz Standard Melody |
Quote – Dizzy Gillespie |
Melodic Analysis of the Jazz Standard |
Transformation of the Jazz Standard Melody |
How to Read the Jazz Standard Melody |
Rhythmic Reading of the Jazz Standard Melody |
Jazz Language: Blue Note |
Jazz Language: Riff |
Jazz Language: Ghost Note |
The Jazz Standard Harmony |
Quote – George Russell |
Introduction to Jazz Harmony |
Chord Types |
Jazz Language: The Tritone |
Jazz Standards in Order of Keys |
Jazz Standards in Order of Colors |
Types of Modulation in the Jazz Standard |
Jazz standards in Order of Modulations and II-V-I Progressions |
Harmonic Patterns in the Jazz Standard |
Introduction to the Study of Jazz Scales |
Major Scale: Emotional Classification of the Modes |
Jazz Standard Characteristics: Blues For Alice |
Jazz Standard Characteristics -template- |
Blues For Alice: Analysis -model- |
Blues For Alice: Analysis -template- |
Reharmonization of the Jazz Standard: Techniques |
Reharmonization of the Jazz Standard |
Jazz Language: Chromaticism |
Jazz Standards in Order of Chord Families |
Jazz Standards in Order of Contrafacts |
The Jazz Standard Rhythm |
Quote – Mike Longo |
Introduction to Jazz Rhythm and Articulation |
Jazz Language: Syncopation |
Basic Syncopated Rhythmic Patterns |
Jazz Language: Articulations |
Rhythmic Transformation of the Jazz Standard Melody |
Rhythmic Transformation of the Jazz Standard |
Jazz Language: Rhythms |
Jazz Language: Swing |
Jazz Language: Groove |
Jazz Standards in Order of Rhythms |
Quote – Dave Brubeck |
Jazz Standards with Unusual Time Signatures |
The Jazz Standard Improvisation |
Quote – Wynton Marsalis |
Introduction to Jazz Improvisation |
Preparatory Exercises to the Improvisation Over a Jazz Standard |
Solo Analysis: “Cantabile” |
The Jazz Standard Interpretation |
Quote – Gary Bartz |
Interpretation of the Jazz Standard Melody: Resources |
Interpretation of the Jazz Standard Melody: Blues For Alice |
Jazz Language: Phrasing |
Phrasing in the Composition of the Jazz Standard |
The Jazz Standard Study |
Quote – The Four Stages of Learning |
Jazz Standards in Order of Level of Difficulty |
10 Must-Know Jazz Standards |
The Daily Study Session -Model- |
The Daily Study Session -Template- |
Daily Technical Instrumental Exercises |
The Order of Study of the Jazz Standard |
The Jazz Language Roadmap |
Jazz Language: Play-A-Longs |
Jazz Standards in Order of Play-A-Longs |
Organization of the Study Materials |
Jazz Language: Glossary |
Quote – Seth Godin |
Notes I |
Notes II |
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